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News Publisher - Product specifications

A powerful news CMS for XenForo with unique layouts, modern design, and categorized news on the main index.

Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (3) Reviews (2)

Feature List & Screenshots (v2.3.x)

Click on each feature for details and real-world examples (screenshots).
  • News Ticker
    • Enable/Disable the news ticker from the ACP to suit your preferences.
    • Appears prominently at the top of your site, directly above the top breadcrumb, on every page.
    • Displays your most recent 10 headlines.
  • Search News Headlines
    • Shows instant results as you type.
    • When there are multiple results, it will take you to the results page.
  • Categorized News Index
    • Display news stories organized by categories on the index page.
    • Customize the appearance of each news category using three display modes:
    • Control the number of news stories displayed per category on the index page.
    • Complete control over which news categories appear on the index page.
    • Empty news categories (those with no news) will not be displayed on the index.
    • Support for sorting categories, ensuring that changes to category display order in ACP are reflected on the index page.
    • Optionally utilize multiple widget positions above and below the news stories for placement of Featured News and Trending News widgets.
  • News Story View
    • Title
    • Buttons
      • Comments
      • Watch
      • Share
      • Bookmark
      • More options menu
        • Edit news
        • Edit news thumbnail
        • Manage feature (XF 2.3+)
        • Move news
        • Reassign news
        • Change discussion thread
        • Delete news
        • Select for moderation
          • Delete
          • Undelete
          • Approve
          • Unapprove
          • Feature (XF 2.3+)
          • Unfeature (XF 2.3+)
          • Reassign
          • Move
          • Apply prefix
    • Discussion tab
    • Custom fields tab
    • Overview tab
      • Key points
      • Large news thumbnail
      • News story
      • Attach photos
      • Action bar
        • Reactions
        • Report
        • Edit history
        • Delete
        • Warn
      • Content tags
    • More stories in same category
    • Comments
    • Sidebar blocks
      • Information
        • Author
        • Publish date
        • Last update date
        • Views
        • Comments
      • News Editors
      • Widget position
      • Latest news widget
      • More stories by User
      • Share this news story
  • Structured Data Integration
    • Automatically generates NewsArticle schema markup for each news story. Improves search engine visibility and ranking. Enhances discoverability of your news content.
  • RSS Feed Importer
    • Add/edit feed
      • Title
      • URL
      • Fetch new entries every
      • Feed is active
      • Posting user
        • Post as guest, use name information from feed data.
        • Post as the following user
      • Destination category
      • Title template
      • Message template
      • Options
        • Post immediately
    • Import feed now
    • Delete feed
    • Enable/disable feed
  • News categories
    • Add/edit category
      • Title
      • Description
      • Parent category
      • Display order
      • Always moderate news posted in this category
      • Automatically feature news posted in this category (XF 2.3+)
      • Show category on index
        • Number of news
      • Minimum required tags
      • Automatically create thread in forum
      • Automatically created thread prefix
      • Display mode
        • Override default 'Category display mode' (Default value: Standout Card grid)
          • Card grid
          • Compact list
          • Expanded list
          • Standout card grid (v2.3.1)
      • Available fields
      • Available prefixes
      • Require users to select a prefix
    • Sort categories
    • Delete category
    • Add sibling or child category
    • Category permissions
    • Category filters
  • News fields
    • Add field
    • Filter fields
    • Delete field
    • Field Display location
      • Below news
      • Below sidebar information
      • Own tab
    • Applicable categories
    • and other standard options.
  • News prefixes
    • Add prefix
    • Delete prefix
    • Add prefix group
    • Delete prefix group
    • Select all prefixes and quick set
    • Filter prefix
  • News Key Points
    • Enable or disable the key points feature in your admin options.
    • Easy-to-use interface for adding key points to your news stories during creation or editing.
    • Prominent display of key points on news stories.
    • Quick editing interface on news story view.
  • News Thumbnails
    • Enable or disable the News Thumbnails feature in your admin options.
    • News creators can upload a large (740x416) thumbnail.
    • News thumbnail image is used extensively throughout the public-facing interface of the News Publisher.
  • News Thumbnail Fallback Options (v2.3.1)
    • Added support for external image URLs as a secondary fallback when no news thumbnail is uploaded.
    • Moved the default thumbnail image to the third fallback option, utilizing the default thumbnail set in style properties.
    • Updated various templates to ensure consistent display of images, thumbnails, and avatars across different views.
  • News Editors
    • Enable or disable the News Editors feature in your admin options.
    • News authors can add up to 10 other users as news editors for each news.
    • News editors are able to take actions against a news story as if it were their own, with the exception of deletions.
  • Featured News (XF 2.3+)
    • Category-based auto-feature option.
    • News author with the "Feature/unfeature news" permission can manually feature or unfeature a news story.
    • Ability to customize the feature title, snippet and image.
    • The news story content type is displayed effectively in all three display styles offered by XenForo 2.3:
      • Simple
      • Standard
      • Carousel
  • Trending News (XF 2.3+)
    • Included the News story content type in the Trending content widget.
    • The news story content type is displayed effectively in all three display styles offered by XenForo 2.3:
      • Simple
      • Standard
      • Carousel
  • Category display modes
  • Widgets
  • Widget Positions
    • XenCustomize News Publisher: Index above news
      • A position inside the main content area of the index above the news stories.
    • XenCustomize News Publisher: Index below news
      • A position inside the main content area of the index below the news stories.
    • XenCustomize News Publisher: Index Sidenav
      • Displays inside the side navigation on the news publisher index page.
    • XenCustomize News Publisher: Category Sidenav
      • Displays inside the side navigation on the news publisher category page.
    • XenCustomize News Publisher: News Sidebar
      • Displays inside the sidebar block on the news story view page.
  • Full-Fledged Commenting System
    • The comment system includes the following features:
      • Full support for a rich text editor.
      • Attachment support.
      • The ability to reply to comments using the quote feature.
      • Support for multi-quoting.
      • Quick inline editing:
        • Edit silently
          • If selected, no "last edited" note will be added for this edit.
        • Clear last edit information
          • If selected, any existing "last edited" note will be removed.
      • Edit history support with the ability to view and compare previous versions.
      • Options to delete comments with deletion types:
        • Remove from public view with a reason.
        • Permanently delete.
        • Notify author of this action with Reason.
      • Display of IP address information for comments.
      • Inline moderation support with the ability to:
        • Delete comments.
        • Undelete comments.
        • Approve comments.
        • Unapprove comments.
      • View of soft-deleted comments and the option to undelete.
      • Warning support.
      • Report support.
      • Spam cleaner support.
      • New comments go through an approval queue before becoming visible to the public.
      • Support for reactions.
      • Receive alert notifications when someone:
        • Mentions you in a comment.
        • Quotes your comment.
        • Reacts to your comment.
        • Comments on a watched news story.
      • Pagination support.
      • Admin-defined number of comments per page.
      • Admin-defined maximum comment length.
      • Admin-defined maximum comment attachment size.
      • Admin-defined allowed comment attachment file types (extensions).
    • Fully permission-controlled, with complete sets of permissions for users and moderators.
    • Added search indexing support for comments' content type.
    • Added a new navigation link for easy access to view recent comments.
  • User group Permissions: News Stories
    • View news
    • View full news
    • View news ticker (v2.3.2)
    • View news images
    • React to news
    • Create news
    • Upload images with news
    • Upload video/audio with news
    • Edit own news
    • Tag own news
    • Tag any news
    • Manage tags by others in own news
    • Delete own news
    • Manage news editors for own news
  • User group Permissions: News (Moderator)
    • Use inline moderation on news
    • View deleted news
    • Delete any news
    • Undelete news
    • Hard-delete any news
    • Edit any news
    • Reassign news
    • Manage any tags
    • View unapproved news
    • Approve / unapprove news
    • Feature / unfeature news
    • Give warnings on news
  • User group Permissions: News Comments
    • View comments
    • View comment attachments
    • React to comments
    • Post comments
    • Submit comments without approval
    • Upload attachments to comments
    • Upload videos to comments
    • Edit own comment
    • Delete own comment
    • Time limit on editing/deleting own comments (minutes)
  • User group Permissions: News Comments (Moderator)
    • Use inline moderation on comments
    • View unapproved comments
    • View deleted comments
    • Approve / unapprove comments
    • Edit any comment
    • Delete any comment
    • Undelete comments
    • Hard delete any comment
    • Reassign comments
    • Give warnings on comments
  • Cron entries
    • Update view counters
    • Feeder
    • Cache statistics
  • Rebuild caches
    • Rebuild news
    • Rebuild news categories
    • Optimize news thumbnails
    • Rebuild user news counts
    • Rebuild news embed metadata
      • Attachments

News Publisher 2.3.x

We've posted detailed information and screenshots showcasing the full capabilities of XenCustomize News Publisher 2.3.x, so visit these threads:
  • News-Publisher-Icon-1279x731.png
    192.1 KB · Views: 326
  • NewsPublisher100-Categorized-Index.png
    366.5 KB · Views: 344
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View.png
    588.7 KB · Views: 334
  • NewsPublisher100-Featured-Content.png
    339.3 KB · Views: 76
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Feature-Content.png
    55.5 KB · Views: 83
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Feature-Link.png
    71.6 KB · Views: 73
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Manage-Content-Feature.png
    23.3 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-Admin-Option-Enable-News-Editors.png
    14.9 KB · Views: 71
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Manage-News-Editors-Link.png
    72.8 KB · Views: 76
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Manage-News-Editors.png
    37.2 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Edit-News-Thumbnails-Link.png
    104.4 KB · Views: 64
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Edit-News-Thumbnails.png
    34.5 KB · Views: 71
  • NewsPublisher100-Edit-News-News-Thumbnails.png
    21.4 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-Admin-Option-Enable-News-Thumbnails.png
    10.7 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-Admin-Option-Enable-Key-Points.png
    9.9 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-Edit-News-Key-Points.png
    28.2 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Key-Points.png
    122.4 KB · Views: 70
  • NewsPublisher100-News-View-Edit-Key-Points.png
    50.7 KB · Views: 67
  • NewsPublisher100-Widget-Options-Latest-Comments.png
    9 KB · Views: 71
  • NewsPublisher100-Widget-Latest-Comments.png
    43.5 KB · Views: 61
  • NewsPublisher100-Comments.png
    162.1 KB · Views: 74
  • NewsPublisher100-Comments-Multi-Quote.png
    103.6 KB · Views: 59
  • NewsPublisher100-Comments-Edit-Comment.png
    149 KB · Views: 70
  • NewsPublisher100-Comments-Edit-History.png
    59.9 KB · Views: 68
  • NewsPublisher100-Comments-Delete-Comment.png
    18.3 KB · Views: 67
  • NewsPublisher100-Comments-Reassign-Comment.png
    13.2 KB · Views: 72
  • NewsPublisher100-Instant-Search.png
    38.4 KB · Views: 68
  • NewsPublisher100-Instant-Search-Results.png
    106.4 KB · Views: 64
  • NewsPublisher100-News-fields-Below-news.png
    259.9 KB · Views: 67
  • NewsPublisher100-Display-mode-Card-grid-category-view.png
    235.6 KB · Views: 66
  • NewsPublisher100-Display-mode-Compact-list-category-view.png
    90.2 KB · Views: 72
  • NewsPublisher100-Display-mode-Expanded-list-category-view.png
    297.3 KB · Views: 62
  • NewsPublisher100-Widget-Options-Latest-News.png
    43.4 KB · Views: 70
  • NewsPublisher100-Widget-Latest-News-Simple-Style.png
    61 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-Widget-Latest-News-Simple-with-Thumbnail-Style.png
    33.2 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-Instant-Search-No-Result.png
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  • NewsPublisher100-Enable-news-ticker.png
    23.9 KB · Views: 68
  • NewsPublisher100-News-ticker.png
    27.1 KB · Views: 72
  • NewsPublisher100-RSS-feed-importer-Edit-feed.png
    80.2 KB · Views: 74
  • NewsPublisher100-RSS-feed-importer.png
    46.6 KB · Views: 71
  • NewsPublisher100-News-categories.png
    24.7 KB · Views: 69
  • NewsPublisher100-News-categories-Edit-category.png
    111.6 KB · Views: 59
  • NewsPublisher100-News-fields.png
    27.6 KB · Views: 63
  • NewsPublisher100-News-fields-Add-field.png
    50.4 KB · Views: 66
  • NewsPublisher100-News-prefixes.png
    29.6 KB · Views: 67
  • NewsPublisher100-News-prefixes-Edit-prefix.png
    49.3 KB · Views: 67
  • NewsPublisher100-Cron-entries.png
    31.9 KB · Views: 72
  • NewsPublisher100-Rebuild-caches.png
    43.9 KB · Views: 74

Supported Payment Methods

We support PayPal for instant purchases. Your order completes within minutes! For those without a PayPal account, you can pay using manual methods such as Western Union, Payoneer, and Bank Transfer.

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Western Union
  • Bank Transfer

Manual payments take more time. Please register an account, add products to your shopping cart, and start a private ticket with us for further instructions.

Product Information

XenForo 2.3 XenForo 2.2
Release date
Last update
Customer rating
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Pricing information

6 Months
Renewal cost
1 Year
Renewal cost

Branding Free License


Professional Install & Upgrade

We manage initial installation and all future updates for 6 months