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Enhanced Tagging - Product specifications

Enhance XenForo Tagging System - Organize, Display, and Optimize Tags for SEO and Social Media.

Overview Feature list Copyright info Releases (1)

Tag Title Case 📚​

Automatically converts tags to title case (e.g., "Tag Name") when creating a new tag or editing an existing tag in the Admin CP.

Tag Groups 🗂️​

Organize tags into customizable groups for better management and display.
  • Seamlessly add/edit/delete tag groups.
  • Effortlessly select a tag group when adding/editing tags in Admin CP.
  • Display tag group next to each tag in the Admin CP.
  • Conveniently choose a tag group when creating an iconic tags widget.
  • Easily edit tag groups directly from the tags interface in Admin CP, streamlining your workflow.

Iconic Tags Widget ☁️​

Add a new iconic tags widget with multiple display styles:
  • Display styles
    • Simple
      • A simple category list view, designed for narrow spaces such as sidebars.
    • Simple Iconic
      • A simple iconic view, designed for narrow spaces such as sidebars.
    • Full
      • A full style cloud view, designed for wide spaces.
    • Full Iconic
      • A full style iconic view, designed for wide spaces.
  • Maximum entries
  • Minimum tag cloud uses
    • Tags will not be shown in the tag cloud unless they have been used at least this many times.
  • Tag group
    • Include tags from selected groups only.

Widget Positions 📐​

Add the following new widget positions:
  • Tag Search Sidebar
    • Position in the sidebar while viewing tag search page.
  • Tag Search Bottom
    • Position at the bottom while viewing tag search page.
  • Tag View Sidebar
    • Position in the sidebar while viewing tag view pages.

Tag Descriptions 📝​

Add description fields to tags for more context and information.

Tag Meta Title 🔖​

Add a meta title field used for SEO meta tags.

Tag Meta Description 📝​

Add a meta description field for SEO meta description tags.

Tag Image 🖼️​

Add the ability to upload images for tags.

SEO Meta Tags 🌐​

Improve SEO and Social Media sharing with customizable meta tags (title, description, image, etc) for each content tag.
  • meta property="og:title"
  • meta property="twitter:title"
  • meta name="description"
  • meta property="og:description"
  • meta property="twitter:description"
  • meta property="og:type" content="Category"
  • meta property="og:url"
  • meta property="og:image"
  • meta property="twitter:image"
  • meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"
  • meta property="fb:app_id"

Social Media Sharing 📲​

  • Enhanced sharing capabilities for social media platforms:
    • Customizable Open Graph tags for better Facebook integration.
    • Twitter Card support with summary_large_image for rich content previews.
    • Admin option to set Facebook App ID for better integration and insights.
  • Added "Share this tag" block on Tag view page sidebar.
  • Added iconic sharing buttons just below the tag results and pagination on tag view.

Tag Display Styling 🎨​

  1. Replace the XenForo stock Tag Cloud on tag search with a modern, full iconic style.
    • Full iconic style
    • Includes tag image
      • If no tag image is uploaded, displays the default tag image.
      • Default tag image can be customized in a style property setting.
    • Displays tag use count
  2. With the Enhanced Tagging widget, you can choose from 4 different display styles to suit your needs, including the iconic style for a fresh and modern look.
    • Simple
    • Simple iconic
    • Full
    • Full iconic

Admin Options ⚙️​

Adds the following admin options:
  • Tag cloud style
    Controls the style of Tag Cloud on the tag search page.
    • Tag Cloud
    • Full Iconic
  • Display Tag Images.
    Display custom tag images on tag cloud search page and iconic tags widget, If unchecked default tag image will be displayed.
  • Facebook App ID
    Option to add your Facebook App ID for Open Graph meta tags.

Style Properties 🎨​

Add the following style properties for easy customizations.
  • Settings
    • Default tag image upload
  • Iconic Tags
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Background
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Background 2
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Hover Background
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Hover Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Background
    • Iconic Tags List Li Border Bottom Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Border Right & Left Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Border Top Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Box Shadow
    • Iconic Tags List Li Color

Supported Payment Methods

We support PayPal for instant purchases. Your order completes within minutes! For those without a PayPal account, you can pay using manual methods such as Western Union, Payoneer, and Bank Transfer.

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Western Union
  • Bank Transfer

Manual payments take more time. Please register an account, add products to your shopping cart, and start a private ticket with us for further instructions.

Product Information

XenForo 2.2 XenForo 2.3
Release date
Last update
Customer rating
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

6 Months
Renewal cost

Branding Free License


Professional Install & Upgrade

We manage initial installation and all future updates for 6 months