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Release Limit Resource Downloads 1.0.2 Released


Official account
Staff member

Minor update with style properties, use of <xf:fa> tag and bug fixes​

We're excited to roll-out Limit Resource Downloads v1.0.2, a minor update with the inclusion of style properties, some improvements and fixes.

Complete changelog:​

  • Added custom classes and style properties for effortless customization of Info Tabs Bar, Custom Buttons, and Download Limits Overview page:
    • Button Caution
    • Button Negative
    • Button Positive
    • Info Tabs Bar
      • Positive color
      • Negative color
      • Caution color
  • All templates now utilize the <xf:fa> template syntax tag for Font Awesome icons.
  • Corrected a bug within the "Download Limits Overview" page where the wrong phrase was used.
  • Added a few missing phrases.



All verified customers can now download the update from our website, Please refer to the guide in the FAQ section for more details.

Supported Payment Methods

We support PayPal for instant purchases. Your order completes within minutes! For those without a PayPal account, you can pay using manual methods such as Western Union, Payoneer, and Bank Transfer.

  • PayPal
  • Payoneer
  • Western Union
  • Bank Transfer

Manual payments take more time. Please register an account, add products to your shopping cart, and start a private ticket with us for further instructions.
