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Release Enhanced Tagging Released


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Staff member
A new product by XenCustomize is available: Enhanced Tagging 1.0.0 - Enhance XenForo Tagging System - Organize, Display, and Optimize Tags for SEO and Social Media.

Enhanced Tagging 1.0.0

This add-on brings several enhancements to the XenForo content tagging system. It’s tailored for admins who want to organize tags effectively, display them prominently, optimize tags for search engines, and improve tag presentation on social media pages.

With XenCustomize Enhanced Tagging, you can:
  • Effortlessly organize and group tags
  • Display tags in a visually appealing manner
  • Optimize tags for better SEO performance
  • Enhance tag visibility when shared on social media
Enhance your forum's tagging capabilities with these powerful features:

Tag Title Case 📚​

Automatically converts tags to title case (e.g., "Tag Name") when creating a new tag or editing an existing tag in the Admin CP.

Tag Groups 🗂️​

Organize tags into customizable groups for better management and display.
  • Seamlessly add/edit/delete tag groups.
  • Effortlessly select a tag group when adding/editing tags in Admin CP.
  • Display tag group next to each tag in the Admin CP.
  • Conveniently choose a tag group when creating an iconic tags widget.
  • Easily edit tag groups directly from the tags interface in Admin CP, streamlining your workflow.

Iconic Tags Widget ☁️​

Add a new iconic tags widget with multiple display styles:
  • Display styles
    • Simple
      • A simple category list view, designed for narrow spaces such as sidebars.
    • Simple Iconic
      • A simple iconic view, designed for narrow spaces such as sidebars.
    • Full
      • A full style cloud view, designed for wide spaces.
    • Full Iconic
      • A full style iconic view, designed for wide spaces.
  • Maximum entries
  • Minimum tag cloud uses
    • Tags will not be shown in the tag cloud unless they have been used at least this many times.
  • Tag group
    • Include tags from selected groups only.

Widget Positions 📐​

Add the following new widget positions:
  • Tag Search Sidebar
    • Position in the sidebar while viewing tag search page.
  • Tag Search Bottom
    • Position at the bottom while viewing tag search page.
  • Tag View Sidebar
    • Position in the sidebar while viewing tag view pages.

Tag Descriptions 📝​

Add description fields to tags for more context and information.

Tag Meta Title 🔖​

Add a meta title field used for SEO meta tags.

Tag Meta Description 📝​

Add a meta description field for SEO meta description tags.

Tag Image 🖼️​

Add the ability to upload images for tags.

SEO Meta Tags 🌐​

Improve SEO and Social Media sharing with customizable meta tags (title, description, image, etc) for each content tag.
  • meta property="og:title"
  • meta property="twitter:title"
  • meta name="description"
  • meta property="og:description"
  • meta property="twitter:description"
  • meta property="og:type" content="Category"
  • meta property="og:url"
  • meta property="og:image"
  • meta property="twitter:image"
  • meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"
  • meta property="fb:app_id"

Social Media Sharing 📲​

  • Enhanced sharing capabilities for social media platforms:
    • Customizable Open Graph tags for better Facebook integration.
    • Twitter Card support with summary_large_image for rich content previews.
    • Admin option to set Facebook App ID for better integration and insights.
  • Added "Share this tag" block on Tag view page sidebar.
  • Added iconic sharing buttons just below the tag results and pagination on tag view.

Tag Display Styling 🎨​

  1. Replace the XenForo stock Tag Cloud on tag search with a modern, full iconic style.
    • Full iconic style
    • Includes tag image
      • If no tag image is uploaded, displays the default tag image.
      • Default tag image can be customized in a style property setting.
    • Displays tag use count
  2. With the Enhanced Tagging widget, you can choose from 4 different display styles to suit your needs, including the iconic style for a fresh and modern look.
    • Simple
    • Simple iconic
    • Full
    • Full iconic

Simple Iconic

Admin Options ⚙️​

Adds the following admin options:
  • Tag cloud style
    Controls the style of Tag Cloud on the tag search page.
    • Tag Cloud
    • Full Iconic
  • Display Tag Images.
    Display custom tag images on tag cloud search page and iconic tags widget, If unchecked default tag image will be displayed.
  • Facebook App ID
    Option to add your Facebook App ID for Open Graph meta tags.

Style Properties 🎨​

Add the following style properties for easy customizations.
  • Settings
    • Default tag image upload
  • Iconic Tags
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Background
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Background 2
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Hover Background
    • Iconic Tags List Li A Hover Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Background
    • Iconic Tags List Li Border Bottom Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Border Right & Left Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Border Top Color
    • Iconic Tags List Li Box Shadow
    • Iconic Tags List Li Color

Read more about this product...


Admin Options​


Tag Groups​


Add/Edit Tag Group​


Tags List​


List List - Edit Tag Group Overlay​


Tag Edit​


Tag view​


Tag Search​

Iconic Tags Style with Tag Image


Iconic Tags Groups Widgets​


Tag Image disabled​

Default tag image display


Style Properties​
