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Ad Between The Posts 1.2.0

Place ads effortlessly between the posts. Choose from 7 predefined ad spots to add & position ads.

Overview Feature list Releases (3)

Introducing Ad Between The Posts – Effortless Ad Placement for XenForo 2​

Maximize your XenForo forum's advertising potential with our state-of-the-art add-on, Ad Between The Posts. Seamlessly integrate advertisements within your forum threads, eliminating the need for manual template editing. With a user-friendly interface, effortlessly choose from 7 predefined ad spots to add and position ads, enhancing your revenue and user engagement.


Key Features:​

  • Place ads effortlessly between the XenForo thread posts.
  • Customize ad blocks without template editing.
  • Choose from 7 ad placements: Post #1, Post #2, Post #5, Post #7, Post #10, Post #15, Post #20.
  • Enable or disable ads per block.
  • Exclude ads from specific forums or thread IDs.
  • Manage ad visibility with usergroup permissions.
  • Default permissions automatically applied upon installation.
  • Utilize HTML, CSS, and XenForo template syntax for creative freedom.
Upgrade your forum monetization strategy today!

Explore the screenshots for a visual preview.

General Options:​

  • Exclude ads from specific forums or thread IDs.

Example ad code:​

  • Tabbed interface.
  • Enable or disable ads per block.
  • Customize ad blocks without template editing.
  • Utilize HTML, CSS, and XenForo template syntax for creative freedom.
  • Choose from 7 ad placements: Post #1, Post #2, Post #5, Post #7, Post #10, Post #15, Post #20.

Usergroup Permission:​

  • Manage ad visibility with usergroup permission.
  • Default permission automatically applied upon installation. "Yes" to those who have "View thread content" permission.

Thread View Example:​

  • Post #1 and Post #2 ad placement example

Product Information

XenForo 2.2
Release date
Last update
Customer rating
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

6 Months
Renewal cost